5 Tips to Make Self-Care a Priority This Summer

for Overwhelmed Moms

Let’s talk about SELF CARE.

I know, I know… who has the time? So many of the moms I coach share with me their struggles around not only making time for self-care, but also feeling GUILTY when they do. Even if they decide to TRY, just when they’ve got a routine down, school gets out and they have to start all over again.Maybe you stay at home and now you have kids with you all day, or maybe you go to work and it’s childcare instead of school drop off each day.

Your routine is thrown off, your kids are stir-crazy, you’ve got play-dates and vacations, and a whole new list of demands and expectations to manage. Summer can easily derail you.

The thing is, Summer comes every year, so you’ve got to get ahead of this thing so you don’t spend the entire 3 months STRESSED and ANXIOUS.

Here are 5 tips to help you make self-care a priority this Summer:

1 – Get Up Early: I know, NOT what you wanted to hear. Seriously though, getting up a little earlier so you can start your day on the right foot will set the tone for the rest of the day! Wake up, sit DOWN to a HOT coffee (I know, that like NEVER happens, right??) Maybe read a magazine or do a devotional reading.  Starting your day on YOUR terms will make you feel more centered and in control before the chaos of the day begins. It’s hard to cultivate this habit, but if you work at it, you’ll come to CRAVE those peaceful mornings to yourself. <3

2 – Create a Joy List: You probably have a to-do list, maybe even a Summer bucket list of fun things for the kids, but do you have a JOY list?  Write down everything you can think of (minimum 20 items) that makes you feel happy, peaceful, joyful, content…whatever emotions you are CRAVING. It could be as simple as “reading a good book” or “bubble baths” or “dancing in the kitchen to good music.”  Make the list, then commit to doing at least a few things on that list EVERY WEEK, maybe even every DAY!

3 – Know Your Outcome: Get really clear about the kind of mom you want to be.  Write out exactly how you want your kids to FEEL about you. How you want them to perceive you. What you want them to learn from your ACTIONS (words are over-rated, actions have more impact.) You need to PHYSICALLY write this out, don’t just think about it. Imagine them when they’re older, what do you want them to say about their childhood and your involvement in it? Now that you’re really clear on what you WANT, think of some ways you can make that happen.  What do you need to change in your life? How can you get rid of all the NOISE so you can show up as the kind of mom you really WANT to be?

4 – Plan, Plan, Plan: Put your self-care activities (those fun things from your Joy List) ON YOUR CALENDAR! Mark it in permanent ink like it’s a doctor’s appointment. Make sure the kids and hubby know that is MOMMY’S TIME.  Make sure you label exactly what you’ll do in that time. Without clarity, you’ll end up wasting it.  Without commitment, you won’t make it happen.  COMMIT to taking care of YOU so your family doesn’t have to. Even if you don’t stick to the plan 100%, sticking to it 80% of the time will get you more peace than totally giving up.

5 – Get Outside: You need it, and the kids need it. Sunshine is good for the soul, so get everyone outside for some sunshine and activity. There are 5K events with 1Ks for the kids, water parks, splash pads, hikes, summer camps, and so much more. Save the movie and library for rainy days. When the sun is out, get out, too! Morning sunshine will help you all sleep better. A few minutes of sunshine each day will help boost Vitamin D levels which helps with mood. You and the kids will be more active outside so (God-willing) they may take good naps or at the VERY least go down a few minutes early at bedtime! That’s a great opportunity for you to sneak in one of those Joy List activities…

BONUS TIP: Don’t forget your hubby! Make sure you communicate WHY you need this mommy time. Share with him how you’re feeling. Let him share with you how he’s feeling. Chances are, he’s exhausted, too! Let him know that you respect his desire for some quiet time alone as well.  Make a COUPLES version of the Joy List and schedule some of those activities into your date nights!

If making time for yourself is something you struggle with, you’re not alone. I am hosting a FREE 5 Day Self Care Challenge in the Happy Mom Project community next week! Would you like to participate? Click the link below to join!

Join The FREE 5 Day Self Care Challenge Now!

Which tip did you find most helpful? What tips would you add?

If you have questions, comments, or just need to talk, COMMENT BELOW.

Healthy Moms are Happy Moms,

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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